
„As scientists we focus on the results – as trainers we focus on the process“

Advanced skills courses and coaching for scientists from scientists

We offer on-site courses, live online trainings and individual coaching
that are ideally suited to complement research expertise at your institution.


Intended for PhD students at the beginning of their career, this comprehensive course covers (almost) everything from group dynamics, communication and presentation skills, project and time management. Intensive 2-3 days course on-site or live online.


Team and leadership development: scientists with extensive experience as habilitated group leaders will train your impact to be a good leader and how to create a successful team in science. 2-3 days course on-site or live online.


Efficient communication of information is key in science! Topics of this course include research collaboration, intercultural competence, feedback in science and management of laboratory staff. 2-3 days of intense training on-site or live online.


If a text is easy to read and understand, it is well written! We will teach you to identify and focus on the main message, produce an outline, present data concisely, orally or with poster and how to apply for grant money. 2-3 days course on-site or live online.


Fast forward for your teaching qualities: didactics and content management, evaluation and feedback, how learning works, understanding and addressing conflicts, presentation skills. 3 days course for beginners or advanced lecturers on-site or live online.


This workshop aims to show you all the tools you need to start your own academic research group. Funding, Science and People. Also possible in collaboration with NaturalScience.Careers. 2 days course for natural scientists on-site or live online.

Would you like to know more about our courses and coaching?



Being a successful

scientist is challenging.

That is why we initiated

`Scientists need more´

Dr. ès sc. habil. Alexander Schiller
Trainer, Coach & Facilitator, Chemist, Priv.-Doz. at FSU Jena

I am thankful for

what I learned, and

now I enjoy to give

advice to others.

PD Dr. Daniel Mertens
Biochemist, Lecturer
Group leader at the German Cancer ResearchCenter and at the University of Ulm

Over 7 000 participants …

"I learned a lot. Alex and Daniel liked to share their experiences as scientists, which helped me a lot for my everyday life."

"The course was challenging, but offered good mentoring and opportunities to improve. It was an excellent balance between activities and presentations."

"I got useful advice and feedback concerning personal and academic questions."

"Great course! It was perfect for the 1st year of PhD. My objectives have been more than met!"

"High value and impact. The course was very demanding and a challenging atmosphere. The tutors were a very good team. Overall evaluation: Very good!"

"Thanks to everyone for this really inspiring workshop. I learned a lot of new things that will improve my teaching in the future."

"Thanks again to Alex and Daniel for their enthusiastic work and the helpful discussions."

"Alex' and Daniel's joy is contagious and their positiveness marks the character of the course. Right people in the right place. Very helpful."

Our satisfied clients include …


LOGO_dkfzGerman Cancer Research Center
mpg-xMax Planck Society (Central, Institutes, Groups, IMPRS)
dfg-xGerman Science Foundation (Collaborative Research Centers, Research Units, Graduate Schools)
fraunhofer-xFraunhofer Institute (Leipzig)


University Berlin (FU), Bielefeld, Dresden, Dortmund, Freiburg, Gießen, Göttingen, Jena, Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Marburg, Paderborn, Weimar
LOGO_center-for-sepsisUniversity Hospital Jena, Ulm, Oslo
conf-xConferences (Jena, Mainz, Hawaii, Istanbul, Faro)
LOGO_tecistecis Finanzdienstleistungen AG, Jena

We are looking forward to hearing from you!