Scientists need more

Trainer, Coach & Facilitator, Chemist, Priv.-Doz. at FSU Jena
Dr. Schiller was a DFG Heisenberg fellow and juniorprofessor for inorganic chemistry at the University of Jena (Germany). In 2011 he started the project „Schiller & Mertens“. Since 2016 he is a full-time trainer, certified coach and facilitator: teaching advanced research skills, such as communication in science, team building and leading competences and didactics and methodology in university teaching. As researcher and group leader Dr. Schiller knows the challenges of scientists and addresses them interactively in an innovative setting. He is a member in the „Bundesverband für Training, Beratung und Coaching“. Since 2018, Dr. Schiller is a „Certified Advanced Coach“ by the The Thiagi Group, Inc.
Curriculum VitaePlease check for Dr. Schiller’s trainer and coach qualifications and his short profile.
Trainer Qualification

Scientists need more